Traveler's Company release new Blue Traveler's Notebooks!

February 28, 2018 2 min read

Traveler's Company have just released a new range of Blue Traveler's Notebooks and accessories in their standard range!

The 2015 Traveler's Company Blue Ltd. Edition Traveler's Notebook (one of the first ex-Midori products to get the new branding), was a huge success.

It was released a couple of weeks after we opened Nomado Store, giving us a much-needed initial boost.

Available with Pan Am-branded limited edition accessories outside Europe (not inside for copyright reasons), it sold out quickly and became a cult item.

Travelers Notebook Blue EditionTravelers Notebook Blue Edition 2

Original Blue Edition TN (ageing beautifully)

Travelers Notebook Blue edition Pan AmTravelers Notebook Blue Edition

Blue Edition Pan Am goodies.

Unfortunately, exactly as happened previously with the Limited Camel 5th Anniversary Edition (which was also released later on as a standard colour), unscrupulous sellers on e-Bay, Etsy and in Facebook Groups started selling NOS (new old stock) Blue Edition TNs for crazy prices.

At the same time, the market was flooded with unbelievably cheap "genuine" Blue Edition clones, all of these of doubtful quality.

As much as we love the Limited Edition concept in general, we feel that these parallel markets, limited quantities and supply issues and higher prices can create a lot of frustration. As you can imagine, we applaud Traveler's Company's decision to include the Blue Regular and Passport size TNs in their standard line up.

regular size blue traveler's notebook

Regular size

passport size blue travelers notebook

Passport size

The new standard Traveler's Notebooks are available in both Regular and Passport Sizes and a blue 016 pen clip can be ordered separately.

blue 016 travelers company pen clip

Finally, the 009 Repair Kit will be updated to include blue and yellow elastics for the Blue Traveler's Notebooks.


We expect to be shipping these items by mid-April 2018, initial stocks will be limited so pre-order yours here!